
Hipro & Super Hipro SBM

KN Hipro & Super Hipro SBM are manufactured from Non GMO Soybean Seed. The Non GMO Seed goes through regorous process of multi stage cleaning, grading, de-hulling, conditioning & flaking. The flakes after highly efficient extraction are de-solventised and toasted to maintain optimum level of protein and amino acid profile.

Colour Pale Yellow to light tan Pale Yellor to light tan
Odour Fresh Odour, Typical of Product Fresh Odour, Typical of Product
Texture Uniform, free from extraneous matter Uniform, free from extraneous matter
Particle Size 90% passing through 10 mesh 90% passing through 10 mesh
Protein 50% min. 52% min
Crude Fiber 4.00% max. 3.50% max.
Sand & Silica 1.00% max. 1.00% max.
Moisture 11% max. 11% max.
Fat 1.00% max. 1.00% max.
P.D.I. - 80 - 90%
N.S.I. - 23 - 28%
Urease Activity / Min at 30o C 0.05 - 0.20 0.05 - 0.20